
Ayatullah Fazel Lankarani’s Statement in Support of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

14 March 2025



News Summary :
Palestine is the Foremost Concern of Muslims
آخرین رویداد ها

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

"Do not weaken or grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers." (The Quran, 3:139)

These days, a very significant event is taking place in the history of humanity and the history of Islam. The oppressed people of Palestine, who have been subjected for over 70 years to various forms of crime such as killing, looting, massacre of innocent children and women, and imprisonment of many of their youth by the Israeli Regime have now risen.

From the beginning till today, day by day, the fangs of this oppressive regime has become sharper, and it has displayed more and more brutality towards the people of Palestine. If it weren't for our holy Revolution, today all Islamic countries, including Iran itself, would have been under the control of this regime. God knows what sinister plans they had for Islam and Islamic countries and what they would have inflicted upon Islam.

Palestine is the Foremost Concern of Muslims

One of the great achievements and blessings of the Islamic Republic of Iran is confronting the Zionist Regime and preventing it from realizing its plans. Inspired by the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Palestinian fighters moved toward establishing the Resistance Front in the region. All of this happened thanks to the goals set and advocated by Imam Khomeini (may Allah bless his soul), as well as the dedication, seriousness, and genius leadership of the Supreme Leader of Iran.

One of the blessings of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which can be seen today, is the formation of a sense of unity among Muslims and Islamic groups in different parts of the world. Everyone understands that the problem of Palestine is the foremost concern of Muslims and this problem should be solved.

Currently, on one side, we are witnessing acts of savagery, killing and looting which are supported by the United States by providing the means, and which are overlooked by some European countries and other nations that share common interests with this wicked regime. On the other hand, we see Muslims forming an alliance and a good solidarity.

The World Political Scene Changing After Operation Al-Aqsa Flood

Operation Al-Aqsa Flood is going to change the political scene in the world. The international political order is taking on a different form. The operation pursues a sacred goal. It aims to safeguard Islam, liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque, and free Islamic countries from the hands of the plunderers who have been dreaming up sinister schemes. From the very beginning, Imam Khomeini (RA) used to say that the Zionists intend to occupy from the Nile to the Euphrates. The goal of the zealous and wakeful youths of Palestine, however, is to eliminate the Zionist regime, and it has to be eliminated. This has been one of the ideals of the Imam and the Islamic Revolution, and every Muslim should be committed to this ideal.

Not Being Indifferent to Israeli Crimes

Today, a Muslim cannot witness the crimes committed by the Israeli Regime against the oppressed people of Palestine and remain indifferent saying, "The issue of Palestine does not concern me?" Unlike offensive jihad, which is not obligatory on women and children, in defensive Jihad (i.e. safeguarding the core of Islam), if necessary, women and children must also take part. When it comes to defending Islam, we cannot say that the enemy is far from us or is not fighting us. According to defensive jihad, about permissibility of which all religious scholars are unanimous, if the core of Islam is in danger, everyone must do his best to defend it.

If Imam Khomeini said, "Israel must be eliminated," it was because Israel was established from the beginning to destroy Islam. We witnessed with our own eyes that in Muslim countries in the past decade the United States created groups like ISIS and Taliban, which were actually different versions of the same thing. The US goal is eliminating Islam, and there is no doubt about it.

The Progress of the Young Generation of Palestine as a Blessing of the Islamic Revolution and Foresight of the Supreme Leader

Therefore, we thank God that today, as a blessing of the Islamic Revolution and its powerful and visionary leadership, a strong and determined young generation in Palestine is rising. As a result of the efforts made by martyr Hajj Qasem Soleimani, today the weapons of the people and free fighters of Palestine are not stones and sticks, but missiles and drones.

The northern fronts and the West Bank have not yet entered the battlefield. If a consensus forms among the Palestinians today, they can easily eliminate this wicked regime and liberate the holy Quds. Palestine today is not the Palestine ten years ago. They have come to the battlefield with strong determination. Hopefully, they will be able to achieve their lofty goal.

Realization of the Divine Promise

Regarding the atrocities committed by the Israeli Regime, we should pay attention to the following Quranic verse. After the Battle of Uhud and the defeat suffered by the Muslims, God, blessed and exalted, revealed this noble verse, "So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers." (The holy Quran, 3:139) It says: be strong, spiritually and physically, and do not lose hope because God has willed that the Muslims should have the upper hand.

According to some translations and interpretations, "and you will be superior" means that Muslims will be the winners of the battle of Uhud in the end, which itself is an example of "and you will be superior". However, it is God's certain will that the Muslims should in general achieve the upper hand. The time and extent of this superiority depend on the determination, efforts, and awareness of the Muslims.

This verse is one of the verses of the Quran which are about social issues. God willing, this divine promise, that is, Muslims’ defeating disbelief, polytheism, and arrogance will soon be realized.

Tags :

the Israeli regime Fazel Lankarani Palestine Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Operation Al-Aqsa Storm